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Hey There

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Yes, I'm talking to you!"

Now, a few too many words about me...


I love basketball. The end.


Just kidding. I am also a wife, mother, dog mama, Financial Aid Advisor, fulltime student, wanna be alien hunter, conspiracy enthusiast, and a chatterbox. I never stop talking.

I met my husband when I was 17 years old. He is my rock,

my best friend, and the love of my life. He also happens to like

how much I talk and treats me like a princess. 

He even humors my alien obsession.

I promise they are real.


I am a mother of two adult girls with lives of their own, and dog mama to our rescue chiweenie, Elli. She is almost furrteen and a rockstar with her own TikTok. Check out her style @ellisdogtails.


I am an FA Advisor at HDMC, a private medical college, where my job is to talk to people all day. It is almost perfect, but not quite.


I never pursued higher education because there wasn't anything that tickled that part of my brain. Then the internet exploded.

I was instantly connected, by dial-up, I am exactly that old.

I love stats, so big data and I are becoming fast friends.

My favorite shirt says IllumiNaughty, compliments of my favorite YouTube conspiracy channel The Why Files.

It is the only thing I watch other than basketball.

I am a Wardell Stephen Curry fan for life.

Night! Night!​

A photo of Brandy Holt making the Steph Curry night night pose
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